Ministry Leadership Studies

This year focuses on equipping the student with knowledge in starting a ministry

The Theme of the 3rd year is “Impartation to the Sons”. Students will be equipped with business principles as well as other concepts to start an effective ministry from implementation.


Upon successful completion of year three, students will graduate in Advanced Ministry Studies. The modules are:

Angels and Demons


The Role of the Founding Pastor

Church Formal Procedures

Pastoral Counselling

The Holy Spirit and the Anointing

Introduction to Management

Church Management

Church Administration

Financial Management

Introduction to Ministry



Angels & Demons

Do angels really exist today? What is their purpose? Does the function of Old Testament angels differ from New Testament angels? What is the response of angels to our prayers?  The Scriptures speak much about these created spirit beings called angels and demons who live in the realm of the spirit. This module focuses on what the Bible has to say about angels and their function. We also examine the classification of demons; their influence in the world today, and how the believer has authority over them.


To be adequately prepared in the area of demons and deliverance, it is important for us to be informed in all areas, including background, scriptures, and terminology. It is one of the most important areas that enable us to obtain and walk in complete freedom.

The Role Of The Founding Pastor

The success and direction of a church is determined by its leader. Every act of a leader sends ripples through the congregation no matter what the size. Like any other organisation, the people chosen to lead a congregation, determine its destiny more than any other human element.  How they lead is crucial to the effectiveness of the organisation. This module is packed with wisdom keys for success and outlines the role of the senior pastor of a church.

Church Practics

Weddings, funerals, dedications and Holy Communion are part of everyday church life. How to conduct these services and what to say can sometimes be daunting. This module will provide you with everything you’re going to need to know, including examples of Word-Based sermons for each occasion.

Pastoral Counselling

Counselling is NOT giving advise but rather providing a platform whereby those who seek your guidance can for themselves in an anointed, and Word saturated environment, come to their own Godly conclusions on how to proceed and face their giants. Counselling is an art that every successful pastor needs to master in order to see their flock live the free life purchased for them at Calvary. This module trains you to achieve this goal.

The Anointing

The anointing can be defined as ‘God’s super on our natural’. The anointing is the key to successful ministry, and without it, nothing would be possible. How do we qualify for lasting anointing? Are there keys to increasing the anointing? How can you operate in God’s empowering ability permanently? The answers lie in this module.

Introduction To Management

Any organisation, including Churches, Bible Colleges and Orphanages has a business side. An organisation needs to be managed with due diligence in order to ensure it is run efficiently, that it has all essential resources, that it has plans to operate and the finances to sustain it. There must be accountability, alignment and good governance in place. Many organisations are not sustainable because inadequate attention is given to the business side. We will unpack the business side of an organisation and the business plans (which includes the financial plan) it requires to be sustainable.

Church Management

History has shown that many churches not being managed correctly due to misunderstanding of Church Management, have led to church leaders transgressing laws, local government requirements and bylaws as prescribed, and thus stood a chance of falling into the trap of the enemy. It is imperative to be good stewards of God’s resources, and understand the myriad of elements of operating a church.

Church Administration

Church Administration covers a number of important issues relating to the successful running of a Ministry, particularly in respect of Legal matters and statutory requirements.  These are often overlooked in the early stages of developing a Ministry which can cause unnecessary challenges.  This module is designed to make the student fully au fait with the entities involved, as well as the Policies and Procedures that need to be in place.

Financial Management

It is imperative to be equipped and gain insight into the financial workings of an organisation and to understand the impact that management decisions can have on the Church or Bible College. We will discover how to analyse costs, provide accurate forecasts and streamline the budgeting process. We will also acquire the basic skills which will enable us to participate in investment appraisal decisions and key strategic issues.

Introduction To Ministry

Being called to ministry is one thing. Setting out to accomplish it is another thing entirely. How do you build a ministry that is birthed of God and has the life of God in it as opposed to a ministry that is built of the flesh, which will not be rewarded? This module guides you to build an Isaac ministry, not an Ishmael one.


“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote this in James 1:27. We firmly believe that to support orphans, widows and the aged in various ways is a key to success and the anointing of God on a ministry. In this module, we will train you on how to establish, administrate and maintain a welfare department in your church.


Knowing WHY we must study the Word of God is extremely important, but it is equally important to know HOW to study the Word of God. This ensures that we do not; misrepresent the scriptures, distort the scriptures or dislocate the scriptures from its time, seasons and context.  We bring to light a number of systematic principles developed from the Word of God to guide us in our study.