Board Members

President of CFCI Bible College

Dr Theo is an anointed teacher who presents the Word of God with complete clarity and simplicity

Chief Operations Officer

Dr Johnny Slabbert is the Chief Operations Officer of Christian Family Church International Johannesburg

Bible College Principal

Dr André Wilmans is the Principal of CFCI Bible college and also serves as the Missions Director with the mandate to oversee all new Church planting.

Board Member

Dr Mulutsi lends insight into curriculum relevance from an intercultural perspective as well as theological and church planting.

Financial Director

Ps Jenny has been a member of CFC since 1979 and fulfilled many roles, including heading up the Children’s Ministry. But her niche is finances

President of CFCI Bible College

Dr Theo is an anointed teacher who presents the Word of God with complete clarity and simplicity

Chief Operations Officer

Dr Johnny Slabbert is the Chief Operations Officer of Christian Family Church International Johannesburg

Bible College Principal

Dr André Wilmans is the Principal of CFCI Bible college and also serves as the Missions Director with the mandate to oversee all new Church planting.

Financial Director

Ps Jenny has been a member of CFC since 1979 and fulfilled many roles, including heading up the Children’s Ministry. But her niche is finances

Board Member

Dr Mulutsi lends insight into curriculum relevance from an intercultural perspective as well as theological



Ps Simon Roche is a seasoned lecturer on all three years on the Ministry Leadership Program offered at CFCI Bible College Johannesburg campus

International Registrar

Dr Simone Slabbert came into full-time ministry in 2006 and now functions as the International Registrar for the CFCI Bible Colleges worldwide.

Support Manager

Rozanne served the CFC Pastoral team for almost two years until she joined the Bible College, Head Office team in November 2019


Ps Simon Roche is a seasoned lecturer on all three years on the Ministry Leadership Program offered at CFCI Bible College Johannesburg campus

International Registrar

Dr Simone Slabbert came into full-time ministry in 2006 and now functions as the International Registrar for the CFCI Bible Colleges worldwide.

Support Manager

Rosanna served the CFC Pastoral team for almost two years until she joined the Bible College, Head Office team in November 2019

Bible College Bookkeeper

Dipuo’s duties involve all the management of the financials and preparation of month-end and annual reports for CFCI Bible College Head Office.

Honorary Academic Advisor

Honorary academic advisor on the faculty and has lectured Greek and Hebrew modules in all years since 2015.

External Moderator & Editor

Rob Quayle was recently invited to join the CFC Bible College team as an external moderator and editor.

Bible College Bookkeeper

Dipuo’s duties involve all the management of the financials and preparation of month-end and annual reports for CFCI Bible College Head Office.

Honorary Academic Advisor

Honorary academic advisor on the faculty and has lectured Greek and Hebrew modules in all years since 2015.

External Moderator & Editor

Rob Quayle was recently invited to join the CFC Bible College team as an external moderator and editor.



Dr André Wilmans

New Testament Theology I & II & III

Dr André Wilmans is the Principal of CFCI Bible college and also serves as the Missions Director with the mandate to oversee all new Church planting and Bible College planting both nationally and internationally. Having a deep knowledge and understanding of the Word of God, this charismatic teacher presents his message with a natural enthusiasm that will captivate and encourage you.

B.Min (CFCIBC), MA. Th (PCU) M. Min (CFCIBC) D.Min (SBTSU) D.D. (h.c.)

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Tchr Wendy VD Merwe

New Testament Theology I & II

Tchr Wendy has been an active member of CFCI in JHB for the past 18 years and has been teaching various undergraduate modules at different CFCI Bible Colleges since 2005.  Tchr Wendy holds a Bachelors in Sciences, with Honours in Mathematics as well as a Masters in Science (Chemical Engineering). She also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Ministry and a Gold Laureate in Divinity with Honours.

She is a strong academic and scientist by profession. Tchr Wendy enjoys unpacking and explaining God’s word in a clear and systematic way.  During NTT I & II coursework, students will gain an understanding of the setting, origin, themes, similarities and differences of the books of the New Testament.

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Pastor Warren Graham

Judeo-Christian Studies I

Ps Warren is the senior, and founding pastor of CFCI Emalahleni and has been in full-time ministry since 1992. He is a passionate Bible scholar and teacher of the Word of God. Under his leadership, three satellite church campuses and one bible college classroom have been planted in the greater Emalahleni area.

Pastor Warren also has a love for the greater continent of Africa and works together with pastors and churches in Zimbabwe and Uganda. His love for God’s people and compassion for the lost both locally and abroad can be seen throughout his life and ministry.

He is also passionate about family, fellowship and helping people discover their true identity in Christ. Together with his wife, they regularly speak at marriage seminars and teach on family matters. He obtained a Bachelor’s in Ministry degree at Christian Life Training and in addition to that he completed six years of training at CFCI Bible College and holds a Gold Laureate in Ministry Studies with Honours.

His love for Israel and the Jewish Nation is one of the reasons he lectures on Judeo-Christian Studies 1. He also lectures on the undergraduate level at his own Bible College as well as at the Johannesburg Main campus.


Dr Johnny Slabbert

Judeo Christian Studies II & III.

Dr Johnny Slabbert is the Chief Operations Officer of Christian Family Church International Johannesburg, representing Apostle Theo & Dr Beverley Wolmarans in their absence.

​Dr Johnny was instrumental in the development and establishment of the CFC Bible College by the grace of God and has served in many roles since 1999, as Cell Leader, Voluntary Pastor, Dean, Business Manager and for the last 4 years as Chief Operations Officer.

​Dr Johnny loves teaching the Word of God, leadership and transformation. He has spent many hours researching Judeo-Christian Studies in conjunction with the materials of Dr Charles Monroe of SBTSU, bringing great understanding of the relationship, culture and religious aspects of the subject.


Ps Simon Roche

Apologetics I & II and Origins of the Bible

Ps Simon is the Dean of Advanced Bible Studies and has been a member of CFC since 1985. He holds a Masters in Ministry (Honoris Causa) and did his first dissertation on “The Origins of the Bible” and developed the coursework currently taught on the program for this topic. He was then awarded a Gold laureate with Honours for his Dissertation and coursework on the subject of “Christian Apologetics”.

Together with his wife, Ps Jenny, he developed the Biblical Principles of Marriage course and manual, which is part of the Undergraduate Curriculum and is also taught by them at other churches, both Nationally & Internationally.

He is a seasoned lecturer on all three years on the Ministry Leadership Program offered at CFCI Bible College Johannesburg campus and also lectures extensively on the post graduate Advanced Biblical Studies program.


Dr Simone Slabbert

Research Methodology and Research Dissertations

Dr Simone Slabbert originally studied towards a career as a Counselling Psychologist and studied at the University of KwaZulu Natal and holds a BA degree in Social Sciences, an Honors Degree in Psychology and also a MA degree in Counselling Psychology.  From here, she expanded her practice to include Industrial Psychology and Leadership training in Transnet, which exposed her to the business and marketing arena.  In 1995 she obtained an Import Management Diploma from the Chamber of Commerce and then in 1998, diplomas in Business Accounting & Financial Management Diploma and Strategic Supply Chain Management from Rand Afrikaans University (RAU) amongst others which explains her move into the business and marketing arena in 2000 when she became a National Portfolio and Business Manager in Transnet and the National Marketing & Operations Manager for a large SA based Logistics company in 2002. During this period the Lord was dealing with her to come into full-time ministry, so her studies again changed direction, and she obtained a B.Min and M.Min degree from CFCIBC, an M.Theol degree from PCU and finally a Doctorate degree in Ministry from SBTSU. She came into full-time ministry in 2006 and now functions as the International Registrar for the CFCI Bible College worldwide.

B.Soc Sc., D. Min, M.Theol, BA Hons M. Psych

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Ps Wayne Hopf

Systematic Theology I & II

Ps Wayne has been the Dean of Christian Bible Training College (now called Durban Christian Centre Bible Institute) since 2003. In 2014 he was also appointed as the church COO of Durban Christian Centre.

He compiled the unique Systematic Theology coursework and manual for the DCC Bible Institute and now lectures the material on ABS since 2017. Due to his coursework development and recognition of prior learning, he was awarded a Bachelor of Ministry (Honoris Causa) from DCC Bible Institute in 2008. Ps Wayne also holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).   In 2015 he was also awarded a Master’s in Ministry (Honoris Causa) with the numerous books he has written as substantive evidence in lieu of a dissertation.


Tchr Alain Monti

OT Theology I & II & III and Cults & False Religions I & II

International Support Manager for Christian Family Church Bible College Campuses. He has been in full-time Ministry at CFC for 6 years.

Tchr Alain lecturers Cults and False Religious & Old Testament Theology 1 & 2 on our Advanced Biblical Studies program and is well equipped to teach the Word of God with an inner passion.

Tchr Alain has a Bachelor’s and Honours Degree in Theology from North-West University Ministry Leadership Studies Certificate and Silver Laureate Certificate in Divinity Studies from CFCI Bible College.

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Prof Willie

Rev Willie Nel

Biblical Hebrew & Biblical Greek

Rev Willie completed 7 years of theological training – 3 years at UJ and 4 years at
TUKS. He then went on to spend another year doing doctoral examinations in Old
Testament, New Testament and Practical Theology. He then went on to minister in the NG church for two years before he joined UNISA as a lecturer in 1982, with particular areas of interest in Biblical & Modern Hebrew, Creation Theology, Old Testament Theology, and Judaica. He has authored two articles in an accredited journal and is a Co-author of another book.

Rev Willie is currently retired from UNISA and acts as an honorary academic
advisor on the faculty and has lectured Greek and Hebrew modules in all years
since 2015. He has also been a guest lecturer at St John Vianney Catholic
Seminary, teaching Biblical Hebrew and Greek and remains an active part-time
minister in various Dutch Reformed churches.


Tchr Paul JV Vuuren (B.Min, M.Min)

Biblical Archaeology I

A member of CFCI for the past 34 years and serving on the Head Office staff since 2009, he has been involved with the Bible College since it’s inception.

Having graduated from the 3rd year ministry Leadership Programme as well as the Advanced Biblical Studies Silver Laureate Program, he is passionate about Bible College and has seen first hand the benefits of the program.

Tchr Paul is responsible for the strategic leg of CFCI Bible College, facilitating the establishment of CFCI Bible Colleges around the world. Together he and his team ensure that campuses remain relevant, and enjoy growth and longevity in their mission to serve their communities


Ps Jenny Roche


​Ps Jenny has been a member of CFC since 1979 and fulfilled many roles, including heading up the Children’s Ministry. But her niche and passion is finances which she studied through UNISA. She also completed Bible College in 1984, and then went on to study further and completed her Bachelor’s in Ministry degree in 2005 and then her Masters in Ministry in 2016, with her dissertation on Cults & False Religions, now lectured on the Advanced Biblical Studies Program.

​Besides being the Financial Director for CFCI Johannesburg and all affiliated businesses since June 1998, she is also a seasoned teacher of the word and lecturer on Bible College in all 6 years of study offered. The course ‘Biblical Principles of Marriage’, which she developed in conjunction with her husband, Ps Simon Roche, has been included in the curriculum and has also had great success all around the world.

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Prof Magdel Le Roux

Biblical Archaeology I & II

Prof Magdel taught History and Biblical Studies at secondary school level for eight years before starting to lecture and tutor at UNISA in 1990. Her areas of expertise are Biblical Studies and Biblical Archaeology and in particular her specialities are the Iron Age in Palestine; the Old Testament and Africa; the “Lemba” – the so-called “Black Jews of Southern Africa” and Judaic groups in Africa; The period of the Judges and Oral traditions. Magdel holds a Bachelor of Arts, an Honours degree and a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies, as well as an advanced research Doctoral degree in Literature and Philosophy, from Unisa.

She is actively involved in excavations and graciously brings along interesting artefacts for students to see first-hand.  She has lectured on Advanced Bible Studies since 2016.

Tchr Jason Pillay

Dispensation & Covenants

Tchr Jason is a graduate of CFCI Bible College and holds both a Bachelor’s in Ministry from CFCIBC and a Master’s in Ministry (Honoris Causa) for his coursework development for ABS and dissertation on Dispensations and Covenants.  He also studied at CIMA and is a Financial Advisor in the business world.

Tchr Jason is the primary lecturer and examiner for this module since 2015.

Ps Manie Genis

God’s Generals

Ps Manie is an ordained lay pastor at CFCI Jhb. He studied at CFCI Bible college Johannesburg and in 2010 obtained a Bachelors in Ministry degree.  He also holds a Masters in Ministry (Honoris Causa) for his coursework and dissertation on the topic of God’s Generals for the ABS program.  His passion for Bible College led him to assist in the establishment and launch of the CFCI Midrand Bible College in 2011, where he was the Campus Registrar and lectured from 2011 to 2013.

He has been the lecturer and examiner for ‘Gods Generals’ elective course since 2015.

Ps Danny Carmichael-Green

History of The Church

Ps Danny is an ordained pastor of The Bay CFC and is also the COO of the church. Education in the secular world and in ministry has always been his passion and expertise. Ps Danny holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Ministry from CFCIBC as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stellenbosch University (English & History).

He is the Dean of the CFCI Bible College network that covers multiple campuses in the Western Cape and also presides over the Shepherds School of Ministry – a practical training and equipping arm of the Bay Christian Family Church.  He has two Ministerial Degrees and is currently busy with his Masters in Theology. He is the lecturer for this elective module on ABS.