Subjects were carefully researched and developed to fulfil our CFCI church objectives to equip all people in ministry with sound theology while maintaining the apostolic DNA and commitment to the uncompromised Word of God. Students are also introduced to the subject of Research Methodology in preparation for completing a mini Dissertation in 6th year.
The following modules are offered as either “prescribed” (P) which are required, or
“Electives” (E) which can be chosen based on interest, in order to obtain the required 165 credits to pass this year.
Curriculum Modules
(P=Prescribed E=Elective)
P – Research Methodology
P – Apologetics 1
P – Biblical Greek 1
P – Judeo-Christian Studies 2
P – New Testament Theology 2
P – Old Testament Theology 2
P – Systematic Theology 1
E – Biblical Hebrew 1
E – Cults & False Religions 1
E – Biblical Archaeology 2
P – Research Methodology 1
This course introduces the scholar to the concepts pertaining to the methods of sound research and the terminology involved. Research as a field extends beyond theology and is a skill needed to investigate and explain hypothesis and findings in any discipline. Students are expected to use the research methodology to choose a theological topic to research and prepare a full proposal for grading. If approved, the proposal will form the basis of the the required Dissertation needed to graduate 6 th year.
P – Apologetics 1
The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek apologia, which means “reasoned defence.” Simply put, apologetics offers philosophical arguments and scientific and historical evidence for the truth of Christianity, while also providing good answers to tough questions that sceptics raise about the faith. In Apologetics 1 we look at the History of Apologetics, Worldviews and the basic approaches of Apologetics.
P – Biblical Greek 1
This course develops the foundational skills laid down in 4 th year, for Greek exegetic work the New Testament. Extended reading and writing skills and understanding of the complexity of the old and new Greek language are investigated.
P – Judeo-Christian Studies 2
This course is designed to develop deeper theological understanding of the subject by focusing on the the doctrinal aspects of Judaism as related to Christianity, critical timelines etc. The student will be able to communicate confidently about Scripture in continuity with historic orthodoxy.
P – New Testament Theology 2
This course is designed to ground students theologically by concentrating on specific Biblical books. In-depth lexical and critical literary analysis of the of the Epistles will be undertaken.
P – Old Testament Theology 2
This course is designed to enhance theological understanding of the OT. It studies the interpretation of the original Hebrew writings and the relationship that exists between hermeneutical exegesis and preaching, as well as the Old Testament’s relationship to the New Testament focusing on fulfilment of the promises.
P – Systematic Theology 1
This subject teaches students how to understand the orderly, rational, and coherent account of the doctrine of their Christian faith. It addresses issues such as what the Bible teaches about certain topics or what is true about God and his universe and allows students to confidently defend their faith.
E – Biblical Hebrew 1
This course develops the foundational skills laid down in 4 th year, for Hebrew exegegetic work the Old Testament. Extended reading and writing skills and understanding of the complexity of the old and new Hebrew language are investigated.
E – Cults & False Religions 1
This contentious subject will introduce the student to the study of alternate religions and doctrine, focusing on the 3 major religions – Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. These cults or false religions will be studied by looking at their historical timeline and the facts connected with their rise and popularity; the theological evaluation of the major teachings of those systems and an apologetic contrast to Biblical doctrine and exegesis.
E – Biblical Archaeology 2
Biblical archaeology is a very integrative discipline that lies at the intersection of biblical studies, ancient languages, and even social sciences. The module in 5 th year is designed to expand on what was studied and integrate with the material covered at UNISA.