Chantal Chetty

Silver Laureate class of 2020

If I had to think about what it means to be part of the Advanced Biblical Studies Programme, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude to God for this time of studying His Word, which has resulted in me having a deeper understanding of God, His heart and His ways. If I had to describe this year at ABS, I think of me discovering a new room in my home, which I did not even know existed, and when I opened the door, it was filled with treasure! In the midst of all that is going on around us, to be rooted and grounded and studying the Word of God, as God is His Word, and just knowing Him and loving Him more and more, just floods my heart with indescribable joy and peace. If I had to reflect back at this year, taking
into consideration all that has transpired , and ask myself the question if I would enrol on ABS again, the answer would be YES, again and again! This has truly been one of the most amazing and enjoyable experiences ever!