Gold Laureate in Divinity Studies with Honours
Specially designed, extend and conclude Theological studies and submit a mini dissertation.
Specially designed, extend and conclude Theological studies and submit a mini dissertation.
Modules are a progressive conclusion of the topics started in years 4 and 5, with a culmination of submitting a mini dissertation approved and graded by internal and external moderators.
The following modules are offered as either “prescribed” (P) which are required, or
“Electives” (E) which can be chosen based on interest, in order to obtain the required 165 credits to pass this year.
Curriculum Modules
(P=Prescribed E=Elective)
As part of their final graduation requirements to obtain their Gold Laureate with Honours, students will study the finer aspects of preparing their own academic dissertation or thesis based on their own original research. They will demonstrate and show competence in the skills of research methodology studied in 5 th year, present their research to a moderator panel and then publish their completed work for the CFCIBC library.
Apologetics 2 is an extension of studies from 5 th year but students will delve into the study the various approaches used to answer the BIG questions, look at the influence that Apologetics has on doctrine and worldview and build a case to argue the burning questions in theology.
This course broadens skills necessary for introductory work in Greek exegesis in the New Testament Studies. It provides an introduction to the language for further development of Greek reading ability.
This course is designed to enhance theological understanding by focusing on the foundational studies of Judaism as related to Christianity, Israeli history etc. The student will be able to communicate confidently about Scripture in continuity with historic orthodoxy.
This course is a continuation of 5 th year and in particular in-depth lexical and critical literary analysis of the Epistles will be undertaken.
This course is a continuation of 5 th year and is designed to enhance theological understanding of the OT. It ffocuses on the relationship between the Old and New Testament and demonstrates its authority by in- depth study on different Old Testament books – their history and interpretation and how they apply to the modern Christian. Students will clearly learn how the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament.
The course is a continuation of material content of 5 th year and discusses the doctrines of sin (Hamartiology), redemption and Christ (Christology), the church (Ecclesiology), and end times (Eschatology).
This course broadens skills necessary for Hebrew exegesis in the Old Testament studies. It provides an introduction to Semitic languages for further development of Hebrew reading ability.
This contentious subject will introduce the student to the study of alternate religions and doctrine, focusing on the 3 major cults – Jehovah’s Witness, Mormonism, Free Masons. These cults or false religions will be studied by looking at their historical timeline and the facts connected with their rise and popularity; the theological evaluation of the major teachings of those systems and an apologetic contrast to Biblical doctrine and exegesis. Students will also study aspects of the occult and the road to the one world government (the plans of the illuminati).