The program is a continuation of studies for students who have completed CFCIBC year 3 and hold a certificate in Advanced Ministry Studies or who hold an equivalent Bachelor’s degree in Ministry, Theology or Divinity. The courses are designed to be completed in one academic year,  are progressive and demonstrate a systematic theological learning plan, each with their unique theme.


Setting the Foundations for Theological Studies

Building on the Foundations for Theological Studies

Extending the Framework of Theological Studies

Yes.  The years are progressive and build on completed academic outcomes. Each year has its own requirements:

4th year: Minimum Entrance Requirements:

1. Anyone holding the following certification:

  • B. Ministry (Any Institution)
  • B. Theology (Any Institution)
  • 3rd year ministry leadership studies certification (Any Institution)

2. Have access to the Internet with sufficient data and access to a computer or Smart Device.

5th year: Minimum Entrance Requirements:

1. Anyone holding the following certification:

  • Honours Ministry
  • Honours Divinity
  • Honours Theology
  • 4th year Silver Laureate in Divinity Studies

2. Minimum age of 23 years old
3. English Proficiency required
4. Computer & Word Proficiency required
5. Have access to the Internet with sufficient data and access to a computer or Smart Device.

6th year: Minimum Entrance Requirements:

1. Anyone holding the following certification:

  • 5th year Gold Laureate in Divinity Studies with an approved Dissertation proposal

2. Minimum age of 23 years old
3. English Proficiency required
4. Computer & Word Proficiency required
5. Have access to the Internet with sufficient data and access to a computer or Smart Device.

RPL assessments are available at a nominal fee. Please note that degree must be a three or four-year Ministry or Theological Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution. No secular degrees will be considered for RPL. There is a required RPL process to follow, and submissions with certified copies of transcripts and certification must accompany the application form along with the proof of payment, and sent to the International Registrar between June to Nov of the year preceding intended studies

Unfortunately, no incomplete or late applications for RPL without the correlating payment will be evaluated.

Inquiries can be sent to, and they will be redirected to the International Registrar at Head Office who will provide the necessary application fee, costs and instructions.

Advanced Biblical Studies is currently centralised and only offered at the Head Office Johannesburg location at Christian Family Church, Cnr Atlas Road and Silver Wings Boulevard, Parkhaven.

However, there is always the possibility of future expansion into other regions should there be enough demand, a suitable location, and it is cost-effective to do so.  Should you be a third-year graduate or hold an equivalent Bachelor’s degree in Ministry or Theology, and would like to attend in your region, please complete the following form and submit your request.

If you are a Dean or collective of graduated students and wish to be considered for a regional classroom, please complete the form and submit likewise.


Unlike studies on the Ministry Leadership Program (years 1 to 3), classes do not take place once a week in the evenings for a 12-month academic period.  Classes for ABS run in monthly “study blocks” or “study intensives”.  Classes are offered over three full days (e.g. 8 am to 5 pm with a lunch break) once a month, usually on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Study blocks usually only take place from February to July/August of every year.

In 4th year a student can manipulate their block attendance and preplan their own roster as Prescribed modules are repeated twice in that period, and Electives once.  A student can build their program by looking at their personal and business commitments but must ensure they cover all the required Prescribed modules, and enough Electives to obtain 145 credits.  This allows a student to plan their academic roster themselves to a large degree; however, it is vital to note that a module cannot be split up over two months/blocks. This means the selected module must be completed in entirety in the month selected and booked.

Students will therefore have to be prepared to take some leave time for their studies, and the Dean can provide a letter of confirmation for employers confirming studies, should “study-leave” be permitted at your employment.

5th and 6th-year students will attend the full three days of a study intensive block (Thurs to Sat) once a month, for approximately 6 to 7 months per year. All classes are compulsory for Prescribed modules but Electives to make up enough credits to pass can be scheduled as offered.

Yes.  The course is presented in study intensives to be sensitive to students other obligations. Therefore the completion of sufficient notional hours must be demonstrated along with the completion of the required credits to pass the year. For this reason, attendance is monitored, and students are provided with access monitoring stations to clock in.  Please also note that no CD’s or DVD’s are available for students to “catch up” at home. The main reason for this is the unique tuition methodology of this program (see the answer for the question on the need for physical “on campus” class attendance).


Students will be asked to “book their classes” online via their student Edu-Portal to secure their seat at one of the two intensive class-blocks provided for each Prescribed module.  This will be done on a first come first book basis. Limited seats are available for each class, so once a class reaches the maximum capacity allowed, the remainder of students will be scheduled to attend the next available intensive class-blocks for that module.


Students should also note that arriving more than 30 minutes late for the first session of a new module they have booked to attend, will be regarded as “absent” for the whole module, so punctuality is required. Remember that no course can be partially attended in one block and caught up in the next block.

Should a student have an emergency and not be able to attend the class they were booked on, they are to notify the Dean in writing ASAP so that they can be invited and booked on the next class, should there be another during that year to attend.  If not, then the student may have to repeat the module the following year as the notional hours’ requirements have not been met.

Yes. The postgraduate classes are offered in a unique teaching style and are not purely direct lecturer-centred instruction where the student simply listens while a lecturer expounds. Classes follow a more variated instruction methodology, with flipped classrooms, student participation and inquiry-based or personalised learning instruction methods.

Lecturers are often the facilitators, and students are required to participate actively in class in the learning process, often having prepared or studied material provided online (on the Student Portal) outside of the classroom time. Failure to be able to download or access material posted for pre-class study, on the Edu-Portal for a specific module is, unfortunately, going to impede the student’s progress.  The student is responsible for ensuring downloads posted before classes commencement, are downloaded and viewed before they arrive for the lectures.

During periods of pandemic related lockdown or classes being suspended for any reason, learning can still continue via the Student Edu-Portal; however, given the tuition methodology, it is more likely classes will be postponed until such time as live classes can resume.

While classes are in person on campus, there is a fair portion of supplemental information provided for each module on the online student Edu-Portal. This technological platform or student portal is also a means of communication from the faculty to the students and vice versa; is used for submission of all research assignments (unless otherwise noted in an assignment brief); for payment of fees and for numerous other engagements. Every student must, therefore have access to a computer or smart device. The device used must also have sufficient storage space available to be dedicated for the use of studies, i.e. all information, video clips, reading material, etc.

Assignments are all submitted in Word or PDF documents (dependent on the assignment brief) and uploaded via the platform, so a student must be proficient in Word, Excel etc. and basic computer skills.   Computer literacy is vital as no supplemental training or IT (information technology) support desk is provided.

Internet access and sufficient data are required for online access to the student Edu-Portal, for students to research for their assignments, type up and upload their assignment.  However, in class, a notepad, pen and class participation is more than sufficient, and students who do not use their laptops or Ipads are more engaged and learn more. For this reason, there is no free WiFi connectivity in the actual class venues.

​Free WiFi with limited download capability will be available in common areas at the Jhb campus i.e. the food court area, so the student is encouraged to purchase a dongle with a data subscription.

Training will be provided at the compulsory student Induction/ Orientation event after registrations are concluded. The system is easy to use, and this training is sufficient for those who are computer proficient.  If a student cannot attend the Induction/Orientation because of a real emergency, they may contact the Dean or Support Manager to set up a personal meeting.

The Edu-Portal also has a “WE ARE HERE” help button for assistance on the Edu-Portal. It is recommended that students spend time to familiarise themselves with the Edu-Portal by spending time on the system.

Prospective ABS students can click on this link to register online:

They include access to classes, extensive course work, extensive supplemental material on the Edu-Portal and certain reading materials provided by lecturers to assist in research and learning.  They also include all costs related to the formal graduation ceremony each year.  Students who are eligible to graduate will have their gown and sash hired for them for the Graduation Ceremony (to be returned at the end of the evening). Graduates will also be issued with a colour coded mortarboard and tassel reflecting their laureate level,  which is theirs to keep as a congratulatory keepsake from the faculty.

Please note that fees do not include physical manuals as this is primarily an online research program.  A few of the lecturers will suggest recommended books that can be purchased at academic bookstores or purchased online for E-reading.

Unlike the Leadership Ministry program, there is no “pass mark” percentage as a final graduation determinant, and there are no formal written examinations.

Each year of study, a certain amount of credits must be achieved to graduate the year.

Every module has a certain amount of credits attached to it. To be awarded these credits, a student must pass the module with the minimum pass mark for that module, by submitting a written research essay or assignment.  Each lecturer will provide a clear assignment brief to advise the student what is required and what the mark allocation is.

Credits are added together, and once the required amount are obtained for the year of study, a student is deemed eligible to graduate.  A student cannot continue to the next year of study without graduating the one they are on.

Note on 6th year: A student cannot graduate 6th year without the required final element of a submitted and passed Dissertation.

Note on External Exams: Only students who qualify and are accepted for simultaneous registration on the Unisa additional Biblical Archaeology modules (non-accredited), may have to sit a formal examination per the requirements of Unisa. This will be elaborated on at Student Induction and is NOT compulsory.

At the end of 4th year an eligible graduate who has successfully passed will be awarded a Silver Laureate Certificate in Divinity Studies

At the end of 5th year an eligible graduate who has successfully passed will be awarded a Gold Laureate Certificate in Divinity Studies

At the end of 6th year an eligible graduate who has successfully passed will be awarded a Gold Laureate Certificate in Divinity Studies with HONOURS

Christian Family Church International Bible College is accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC). The college has earned Premier status with ASIC for its commendable areas of operation. ASIC accreditation helps students and parents make a more informed choice and will also help a school, college, university, training provider or distance education provider, demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high-quality institution.

ASIC is recognised by UKVI in the UK, is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA and is listed in their International Directory, is a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation) and are institutional members of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).

CFCI is not registered as a formal higher institution with the DHET in South Africa and does not purport to hold or offer SAQA accredited degrees or diplomas.  Certification awarded and offered for further studies at other institutions will not automatically hold equivalence, despite the curriculum being of like content and required academic outputs. Any recognition of prior learning credit awards is at the sole discretion of the institution application might be made to.